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Feel free to share anything about Syndicate Wars (1996) here!


I recall robbing a bank, hiding inside a building until all the policemen and security arrives and once they got killed and only the cars are left, planting a bomb, waiting to the last second and running away to let the explosion and the falling building get rid of the last renmants.

The game is good, but some things are worse than on the first. The vehicles no longer blow away when covered with a rain of bullets, they resist too much, and some levels can get tediously hard.

Also, I find amusing seeing publicity of "pre-holografic entertainment" during the game, like Ghost in the Shell and Judge Dredd.


The enemy got me once or twice in a trap by attacking me and then he suddenly ran away. I chased him and one of his team members stopped. Attacked me and in the moment he died, he dropped a bomb while I tried to chase his comrades. Very naughty.

The vehicles are tougher against "normal" attacks. That's right but if you place a Ion Mine on the street they will get blown away normaly with one shot. I prefer the stronger vehicles because you can use them also giving you a kind of second armor. But you should get out quick when the health bar of the car drops. ;)

The advertise boards are funny indeed. Did you know that you can play an Breakout Clone in the first level on one of these panels? (See screenshots section) When you reach level ten you get a bonus item depending on your breakout skills.


I had heard about the breakout clone, but didn't know where it was.


You can play the Breakout clone on a advertise board placed in the middle of level 1 London (for the exact position look at the minimap on the screenshot).
You just have to use your persuadertron on the board to play.


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