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Mr Creosote

Feel free to share anything about Shannara (1995) here!


From your review and my personal experience with both the game and the book series, 1.5/6 is too much :P The only worse fantasy book series I've ever read was Magic Kingdom of Landover-from the same author.

Mr Creosote

Haven't read any of the books, so I can't comment on that. As for the game's rating, I actually did contemplate 1 or 2, because - as I said - I do hate the game with a vengeance. Especially that story - one of the worst I've ever seen! The dialogue is so badly written it hurts.

However, I did take a look at my own definitions of the ratings again. '2' already means it's too bad to finish. I never had a problem with finishing this game. They did avoid total frustration in the gameplay apart from one or two minor things (which are mentioned in the review), so I tried to give the game the benefit of doubt and gave it a very positive rating.

In case you still remember your password, you're welcome to add your own rating, of course :)


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