

Spell: ........ Conjure Earth Elemental
Type: ......... Summoning/Protective
Duration: ..... Special
Area of Effect: Around elemental

   This spell is the first of the four major elemental spells. When cast on
open ground, a clay golem is summoned from the Earth Elemental Plane and
will remain as the Druid's servant until its strength is depleted. He can
only understand the three simple commands Wait, Follow and Send. The Golem
is resistant to all forms of natural attack and is very strong. However, he
is slow and cumbersome and on occasions may prove a hindrance.

Spell: ........ Conjure Air Elemental
Type: ......... Summoning/Protective
Duration: ..... Special
Area of Effect: Around elemental

   As the conjure earth elemental spell except an air wispe is summoned
from the Air Elemental Plane and will remain as the Druid's servant until
its strength is depleted. The Wispe is very fast but also very weak. The
Great Druid 'Runewort' was well known for useing Wispes in fast sweeping
attacks on large amounts of weak foes.

Spell: ........ Conjure Fire Elemental
Type: ......... Summoning/Protective
Duration: ..... Special
Area of Effect: Around elemental

   As the conjure earth elemental spell except a fiery phoenix is summoned
from the Fire Elemental Plane and will remain as the Druid's servant until
its strength is depleted. The Phoenix is reasonably fast but loses his
strength fast when in wet or moist areas.

Spell: ........ Conjure Water Elemental
Type: ......... Summoning/Protective
Duration: ..... Special
Area of Effect: Around elemental

   As the conjure earth elemental spell except a water kraken is summoned
from the Water Elemental Plane and will remain as the Druid's servant until
its strength is depleted. The Kraken is reasonably fast but loses his
strength fast when in hot or arid areas.

Spell: ........ Wall of Fire
Type: ......... Obstructive
Duration: ..... Semi-permanent
Area of Effect: 40' in direction cast

   When cast, deep red flames erupt from the ground in the direction the
caster is facing. The flames will continue for forty feet, unless hitting
some solid obstacle or significant feature of landscape (see "Kaled's book
of universal constants" for more on this). The wall will only destroy
fire-fearing foes and remains a permanent feature of the landscape until
the Druid leaves the present land.

Spell: ........ Wall of Water
Type: ......... Obstructive
Duration: ..... Semi-permanent
Area of Effect: 40' in direction cast

   When cast, deep blue water spurts from the ground in the direction the
caster is facing. This spell is much the same as the wall of fire spell
except that it will only destroy water-fearing foes.

Spell: ........ Death Touch
Type: ......... Offensive
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: Creature touched

   When this spell is cast, any creature touched by the Druid will
instantly die. However, a few, more powerful creatures cannot be harmed by
this form of magic.

Spell: ........ Deathlight
Type: ......... Destructive
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: 40' radius about Druid

   This spell will destroy all creatures within a forty foot radius about
the Druid for a short duration thus giving him time to gather his wits or
pass through dark and eerie lands. There are some powerful creatures who
are immune to this form of magic.

Spell: ........ Deathland
Type: ......... Destructive
Duration: ..... Medium
Area of Effect: 40' radius about Druid

This spell is exactly the same as deathlight except that is lasts much
longer. Great Druids always warn their unenlightened inferiors to use this
form of magic sparingly.

Spell: ........ Finger of Lightning
Type: ......... Offensive
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: 40' in direction cast

   When cast, bolts of lightning shoot forth from the Druids fingertips.
These bolts are ten times more powerful than the normal electrical bolts
that Druids usually fire.

Spell: ........ Recharge
Type: ......... Replenishment
Duration: ..... Immediate
Area of Effect: Druid

   This spell replenishes the Druids electrical bolts for a short time, so
that he can fire four bolts at any one time rather than the usual three.

Spell: ........ Slow
Type: ......... Obstructive
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: 40' radius about Druid

   This curious magic causes all normal creatures within a forty foot
radius of the Druid to become lethargic and slow thus letting any nimble
Druid pass between them quickly.

Spell ......... Fireshield
Type: ......... Protective
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: Druid

   When confronted with pillars of flame, a wary Druid need only cast this
spell. It will make his robes and sandals like tough dragonscale for a
short while and thus he will become impervious to all forms of natural

Spell: ........ Invisibility
Type: ......... Concealment
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: Druid

   This well used spell is still one of the most useful that a Druid can
carry in his spellbook. The Druid will be rendered invisible to all
creatures of normal sight. However, some creatures do not see with their
eyes but instead use heat or magic as a source of seeing.

Spell: ........ Armour
Type: ......... Protective
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: Druid

   When cast, this spell turns the Druids robes to strong steel for a short
while, thus rendering the Druid less vulnerable to attack.

Spell: ........ Turn Away
Type: ......... Repellent/Illusion
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: 40' radius about Druid

   This spell makes the Druid appear to be an abhorrent, powerful creature.
This is of course, an illusion, but any unintelligent creatures in close
vicinity to the Druid will immediately panic and try to run away. In time,
the spell will end and the illusion will crumble away.

Spell: ........ Teleport
Type: ......... Ethereal travel
Duration: ..... Immediate
Area of Effect: Druid

   This spell is fairly mystical. Great Druids have only managed to
discover that when this spell is cast within a magic symbol, the caster is
sent to another plane (the type of plane is decided by the magic symbol).

Spell: ........ Infra-vision
Type: ......... Visionary
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: Druid

   This magic is useful in darkness. It makes the Druids eyes sensitive to
heat as well as light. However, this power will only last a short time and
then you will be left back in the dark.

Spell: ........ Resurrection
Type: ......... Resurrection
Duration: ..... Special
Area of Effect: Special

   This spell was originally created by the Necromancer Groblar in a clever
attempt to cheat death. Of course, Druids everywhere realised the value of
such a spell and soon it was circulating amongst the higher ranks of the
Druid sects. When cast, a grave is created. Should the Druid now bear the
misfortune to die, he will gain new life and full strength and rise from
the very same grave that he created. But be warned, you can only create one
grave. If you cast another resurrection later, the grave created by the
first resurrection will be destroyed.

Spell: ........ Doorblast
Type: ......... Destructive
Duration: ..... Immediate
Area of Effect: 5' radius about Druid

   When the Druid casts this spell, a mighty explosion can be heard about
the Druid and all doors within a five foot radius of the Druid will shatter
and splinter into a thousand pieces. Any foolish creatures within forty
feet of the Druid will collapse in agony at the sound of the explosion.

Spell: ........ The Seeing Eye
Type: ......... Visionary
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: 80' in direction Cast

   This spell enables the Druid to see what is around him. When cast, the
Druids mind is allowed to follow the land in front and see what dangers

Spell: ........ Sage
Type: ......... Legend Lore
Duration: ..... Immediate
Area of Effect: none

   When this spell is cast, the Grand Druid Klaven Marr will give you a
short clue depending on where you are. This should aid your Druid in his
quest for enlightenment.

Spell: ........ Strengthen
Type: ......... Replenishment
Duration: ..... Immediate
Area of Effect: Elemental up to 160' from Druid

   This spell will make you elemental stronger and thus prolong its return
to the elemental planes.

Spell: ........ Banquet
Type: ......... Replenishment
Duration: ..... Immediate
Area of Effect: Druid

   This spell makes the Druid feel like he has just eaten a large wholesome
supper, thus raising his constitution back to its best.

Spell: ........ Wine
Type: ......... Replenishment/Curing
Duration: ..... Immediate
Area of Effect: Druid

   This spell creates a bottle of wine which the Druid must drink straight
away. It will partially restore his constitution but it will also help to
drive any poison from his system.

Spell: ........ Create Light
Type: ......... Visionary
Duration: ..... Long
Area of Effect: 5' radius about Druid

   This spell will create a circle of light about the Druid equal to the
light created by a small flaming torch. This light will extinguish after
some time however.

Spell: ........ Crucifix
Type: ......... Repellent/Illusion
Duration: ..... Short
Area of Effect: 40' radius about Druid

   This spell causes a Holy Cross to appear in the Druids hand for a short
while. All undead and unholy creatures will instantly run in fear from such
holy relics.

Spell: ........ Key
Type: ......... Unlocking/Opening
Duration: ..... Immediate
Area of Effect: Touch lock

   This spell is merely a Mages Cantrip. It causes all simple lock
mechanisms to slide open thus allowing a locked door to be opened.

Spell: ........ Antidote
Type: ......... Curing
Duration: ..... Immediate
Area of Effect: Druid

   This is much more potent than wine and will instantly cure any poisoned
Druid. Upon casting, it will create a brew of rare herbs which must be
immediately drunk by the Druid.

Spell: ........ Horn of Baeon
Type: ......... Olde Mystic
Duration: ..... unknown
Area of Effect: unknown

   Grand Druids everywhere are puzzled about this spell. They know that
when you cast it, a horn sound is created but nothing further happens. It
is suspected that it is used for summoning of some sort.

Spell: ........ Coin of Charon
Type: ......... Mystic
Duration: ..... unknown
Area of Effect: unknown

   When this spell is cast, a small gold coin appears bearing the picture
of a grim reaper. The coin has the value of one hundred silver pieces.

Spell: ........ White Orb
Type: ......... Destructive/Enlightenment
Duration: ..... Eternal
Area of Effect: Acamantor

   When a Druid casts this spell properly, he is recognised as having
reached enlightenment and is entitled to enter the
Circle of the Great Druids.

   There are ten lands in Belorn as well as Acamantor's five level tower.
You start in the village of Ishmar. To the west, lie the lands of desert
and fire. To the north of the desert lands, lie the rocky plains which lead
north to the dark eerie caverns of darkness. To the north of Ishmar, lies
the weird woodland and to the east lie the swamplands and the land of
water. North of the land of water there lies the poisonous land of fungus
which gives passage to the snowbound ice regions. To the far east, beyond
the water, lies Acamantor's tower - surrounded by a moat with no bridge in

   Acamantor has also summoned the demon princes once more, and they help
fortify Acamantor's grip on the lands of Belorn. The demon princes can be
found in the lands of fire, desert and snow and in the bottom two dungeons
of Acamantor's tower. To destroy a demon, you must fire at it many times
whilst casting 'Deathlight' or 'Deathland'. When the demon starts to
weaken, its colour will change and a few more swift shots should destroy
it. But be warned, the demon will continually spit fireballs at you as you
attempt to destroy it.


Mr Creosote

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