

Joystick: Cursor keys + Space

If you are prompted for another floppy disk, use the folder icon on the bottom of the playfield.


Mr Creosote

Feel free to share anything about Blade Warrior (1991) here!


This is marvelous. I always loved games with a unique flavor like that. Yes, I've seen this page before, though, I have to admit I didn't really read the original contents. Maybe it's a good thing after all ;)

It makes for a moody effect which works even to this day – a style which has aged quite well.

I'd prefer the word melancholic :)

you are now clearly expecting a beating along the lines "style over substance sucks"

That's actually what I thought when I watched a few minutes of the gameplay a couple of years back, though I still appreciated the attempt at least :)

Even the graphics take their toll, when for example it becomes hard to tell what is irrelevant scenery and what are relevant objects.

Ah, that's actually one of my favorite things, love being confused a bit ;)

may actually work to its own disadvantage in this age of short attention spans

Wait... is it the game or the mainstream public which sucks? ;)

Mr Creosote

Originally posted by Moebius at 10:44 on December 19th, 2019:
This is marvelous. I always loved games with a unique flavor like that. Yes, I've seen this page before, though, I have to admit I didn't really read the original contents. Maybe it's a good thing after all ;)

The original review can still be found in the archive article if you like to have a look.

may actually work to its own disadvantage in this age of short attention spans

Wait... is it the game or the mainstream public which sucks? ;)

The mainstream public is as it is. The game is as it is. I'm just making a neutral statement about the compatibility of both ;)


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