

Mr Creosote

Feel free to share anything about Beneath A Steel Sky (1994) here!


Now that the Watchmen film is on cinemas (quite boring and badly done, I must say) maybe this game could get some more recognition, it is drawn after all by the same guy who did drew that comic. But nobody cares about these things too much, when the Rogue Trooper game was done (that comics, by the way, is where I discovered Gibbons) nobody even knew it was based on anything.

This makes me think again I should write an article about comic authors on old games, at least here on Spain and on France some of the best worked on a few games (Kult was drawn by Caza, Opera games used Azpiri and Juan Gimenez, Fade to Black's cover was made by Moebius...).

Mr Creosote

Dave Gibbons is, in my opinion, one of the best comic book artist for the 'superhero' genre. His style is just right there. Too bad he doesn't seem to draw much anymore at all. Seems he concentrates on writing instead.


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