
3 inhaltsverzeichnis
4 einführung
5 auswahl
6 bewegung
7 die
8 trefferpunkte
9 sehr
10 folgende
11 bau
12 bäume
13 baufortschritt
14 information
15 besitzer
16 wenn
17 und
18 charaktere
19 anzuziehenden
20 der
21 ist
22 magie
23 gegner
24 gigantische
25 medusa
26 vampir
27 spieltips
28 neues
29 bauen
30 credits
31 copyrights
32 alle
33 klerikerhaus
34 elfenbaum
35 tor
36 juwelier
37 aussenposten
38 turm
39 basar
40 die


Mr Creosote

Feel free to share anything about Stronghold (1993) here!


This is easily one of the best games I've ever played.

It gives me great memories from 10 years ago, sitting down in front of the computer after school and just getting involved. This is truly a thinking person's game.

It also just goes to show you how much SSI ruled as far as the gaming world was concerned back then.

I still have my original copy, but happened to run across this site when looking for cheats.

Keep up the good work, all of you.

Martijn Frazer

oooh this sounds like my kind of thing!I don't think I've ever played a fantasy-themed management game before. I've played loads of non-fantasy ones set in medieval times though, like Defender of the Crown, Castles or Lords of the Realm.

Posted on Mastodon

Mr Creosote

I'm always surprised how broadly unknown this game is. It was huge in my peer group in the early 1990s. Then again, we were huge nerds :)

Posted on Mastodon

Martijn Frazer

Yeah, I never know what's considered obscure or not. I only know what I've played myself, but not many of the games I played were even played by my friends, so idk what the world at large plays or knows.

Posted on Mastodon


I love this game, played it for ages. Don't know why it wasn't more popular.It's lovely slow and relaxing

Posted on Mastodon

Mr Creosote

Agreed, very relaxing. Nowadays, I often just have it running on a second screen while doing something else.

Posted on Mastodon


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