
Global Conquest

     PART I: Introduction


     Global Conquest is a strategy game developed as a result of
collaboration between Dan Bunten of Earth and Ban Dunten of
Modulus, a planet in a parallel universe noted for its playful
natives and fried peach pies.  Dan was staying up late one night
working on another boring, "Conquer the World" type game when,
suddenly, his computer seemed to be typing by itself!  As it
turned out, a game designer from Modulus was engaged in a similar
game-developing activity.  His game, however, was made up of
nothing but little "chance" cards and people cooperating with
each other.  Somehow, through a strange quirk in the parallel 
universes, their program editors made contact, allowing the
programmers to make notes in each other's programs.  (This
naturally made "debugging" a nightmare, until they figured out
how to imbed their comments in "comment" lines.)  Recognizing the
potential for profit in universe-spanning marketing, Dan Bunten 
phoned MicroProse with a great idea for a game.
     The Modulians have never known war, conflict or competition. 
Their idea of a good game is a bunch of people sitting around on
the floor, guessing the answers to inconsequential questions
written on little cards.  Ban the Modulian was excited by the
idea of using little "toy soldiers" to discover a world and fight
among themselves to conquer it.  Similarly, Dan the Earthling
thought "Random Event" cards and alliances would add "fund" to
his otherwise ruthless game.  Together, they developed Global
Conquest: a strategy game pitting opponents against one another
on a randomly-generated world where crazy things happen and there
are no "real" casualties, only an occasional bruised ego.

Objective           The goal of Global Conquest players is to
               discover and conquer the world.  The conflict in
               Conquest lies in the fact that all players have
               the same goal and there can be only one winner.
                    There are always four opponents in Global
               Conquest attempting to take over the world.  These
               opponents, be they human or other sentient life
               forms, find themselves fighting over a world
               populated by a mindless "indigenous" armed force
               (dubbed the "Natives").  If there are not four
               "live" players, any unmanned groups will be
               controlled by the computer intelligence, so that
               there are always five groups taking part in Global


     Global Conquest is played on a game board that is different
each time around.  Among the things that vary is the size: like
the drinks at your favorite fast food establishment, you can have
either the small, medium or mega-whopper size.
     Each part of the world can be one of five types of terrain:
ocean, plain, forest, mountain and swamp.  (Deserts and tropical
beaches are not included in Global Conquest because sand could
get into somebody's eyes or underwear and cause injuries.)
     There are also "artificial" facilities around: Cities (or,
to use the Modulian term, "burbs"), docks, oil sites, and mineral
     A final type of "cloaked terrain" covers and obscures all of
the board's characteristics at the start of each game.  Resulting
from a mysterious Modulian Cloaking Device, this "cloaked
terrain" is indistinguishable from ocean terrain.  However, as
your playing pieces move around on the board, they remove the
"cloaked terrain" to reveal the actual world beneath.  For some 
unknown reason, this process is called "discovering the world."


     The basic playing pieces for Global Conquest are infantry,
armor, subs, battleships, aircraft carriers, and airplanes. 
These "units," as they're called, discover land and fight each
other with their unique strengths and weaknesses.  Your job is to
order these units to do all of this discovering and fighting. 
The units will obey your orders, even if they are in the middle 
of their favorite soap opera at the time.
     In addition, there are two "special" pieces: the spy and the
command center (called "Comcen").  These units are considered
"special" because their characteristics are significantly
different, and because Dan told us so.
     The spy can see all other units within a wide range, can
steal "secrets," can slow unit production, and is only seen by
other spies.  They are also great fun at the Halloween parties,
and can make a mean bean dip.
     The Comcen is your strongest and most crucial piece: it is
able to launch planes, and it attacks from a greater distance
with more power than other units.  However, it has one slight
drawback: if you lose your Comcen, you're out of the game.


     Besides the game board and playing pieces, there are other
ways in which Conquest is like the board games with which you are
familiar.  For one thing, you can play with other people!  You
and up to three of your friends can play Global Conquest
together.  (This feature was among those most emphasized by Ban,
a firm believer in the Modulian motto: "Play with each other, not
with yourself!")  Conquest is also played in "turns" like many
classic games.  However, instead of "you take your turn then I
take my turn," in Conquest we all take our turns together.  But
even though Conquest could be played like an old-fashioned board
game (complete with taunting and name-calling), it is played on a
computer because 1) it simplifies the logistics, and 2) it spares
MicroProse the trouble of finding someone to make the little
plastic soldiers.


     The screen is divided into four major sections.

Map Window          This is the biggest section of the screen,
               where the game board and units are shown.  It is
               in this window that players plot their strategies,
               observe the battles, and do the most suffering. 
               within this area, terrain is represented by 8x8
               pixel icons and units by 12x12 icons.  This game
               board is overlaid at times by a smaller scale
               "reference map" and by various menus.  To bring up
               the reference map, just press the  bar (or
               the right button on your mouse).  Move your cursor
               to the are of the board you are interested in
               seeing closer and press  (or the right
               button) again.  Now your closeup view of the world
               centers around the place you just picked with your
               cursor.  (Other features of the display are
               discussed later in these rules.)

Icon Corner         This is the top righthand corner of the
               screen.  It is divided into four different colored
               sections, each representing one of the four
               different players.  This display is updated as
               play progresses, showing the current score, number
               of burbs and resources taken over, any treaties
               between players, and any conquests of opposing
               Comcens.  The force which you command has a white
               and grey border around it as well as an icon of
               your choosing.

Manipulation        There are two different types of "clicks" of
               the mouse buttons: a "normal click" (where the
               button is depressed less than 1/2 second) and a
               "held click" (where the button is depressed for
               longer than 1/2 second).  In Conquest, you use
               both of these.  (Double-clicks, drag-clicks, and
               heavy petting are not used in this game). 
               Throughout the manual, a "click" refers to a
               "normal click," and unless otherwise noted all
               clicks (whether a "normal click", a "held click"
               or just a "click") refer to the "left" mouse

Update Window       This is the middle righthand portion of the
               screen.  In this window, players receive messages
               regarding events which affect their units, burbs
               and resources.  There are three active areas in
               this window.  Players can:  1) click to the left
               of the map portion to backspace through previous
               messages; 2) click to the right of the map to move
               forward through the messages; and 3) click in the
               map area itself to position the main display over
               the feature highlighted in the map.

Cursor Window       This display is in the bottom righthand
               portion of the screen.  It shows in magnified form
               what is under the cursor.  This is one of the most
               helpful of the windows, in that it offers
               important data such as unit strength in battles,
               terrain type, and burb production choices.

Other Areas
of the Display      In addition to the four major sections, there
               are five other active areas of the display.

          Button Bar 
               Provided above the Main Display for ease of
               selection of various options:

               Clicking on this option effectively ends the
               "Orders Phase" of the turn.  (See discussion below
               on ending turns.)

               Use this button to see the map without units
               obscuring it and to access production options for
               each burb.

               Clicking here allows the player to enter "Airplane
               Mode" to give orders to available planes.  Note
               that a player must click on this button again in
               order to exit "Airplane Mode" to give orders to
               other units.
               Using this button allows the player to see the
               destinations and paths of all owned units.  (Note
               the destinations and whereabouts of your units on
               lunch break ARE NOT shown.)

               Click here to get a summary table of all the
               villages, towns, cities and metroplexes you own. 
               You can also position your main world display,
               access production options and even transfer funds
               from the menu opened by this button.  (See the
               "Economics" section for more.)

               Clicking this button changes the Icon Corner into
               a menu for offering various levels of alliances. 
               (See the "Treaties" section for more.)

          Time Bar
               To the left of and parallel to the Main Display is
               a vertical bar known as the "Time Bar."  During
               the "Orders Phase" this bar is green.  If another
               player ends his turn, this bar will change colors
               and begin to recede downward, signifying the
               imminent end of the "Orders Phase." Once the
               "Execution Phase" begins, the Time Bar will turn
               red and diminish as the "Execution Phase" runs
               out.  At no time will the Time Bar serve drinks. 
               Clicking the button in this area generates an

that pauses or resumes the game. Topline The topline is where various modes and status messages are presented and where you type outgoing chat messages. Bur more importantly, it offers a menu of "Program Options." Moving your cursor into the top area above the button bar changes this area into the menu (or press ). These are: Restart: Aborts whatever game, film or other activity is going on and offers the Main Menu. Save: This option will abort the game in progress, then offer you a file menu to name your game for resumption later. If the game included a remote player, the other player is also placed in the save menu and the connection is dropped. Pause/Resume: Press to pause the game or film. Press again to resume. Chat: Press this to "chat" with your opponents. Press , , or click in the topline to end chat. Volume: Toggle sound on and off. Game Type: Displays the scenario options icons of the current game or film. Event: Displays the Random even currently in effect and tells the number of turns it has left to run. Speed +: Press this to increase the execution speed of the game or film (max. speed is 3). Speed -: Press this to reduce the execution speed of the game or film (min. speed is 1). Show=Who: This option is only offered during films; it toggles the point of view. Resign: This lets a player resign his command and turn that role over to a computer opponent. Disconnect: An abbreviation of "disconnect," this option is offered if the game involves multiple machines and neither of the previous ending options is appropriate. Bottom Line This black area below the main display shows various results of user game actions and any incoming chat messages (identified by color of player). Clicking in this area will show you the last chat comment that you received. Turn Counter Just below the Update Window, this window "counts down" the number of turns left (in red) when the game being played has a turn limit; it "counts up" the turns played (in green) when there is no limit on the game. (No one is certain why Ban and Dan chose "Turn Counter" for the name of this feature, but expensive research is being carried out to find an answer to this mysterious enigma.) PART II: TUTORIAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OBJECTIVE: To acclimate you to the challenge of Conquest as quickly as possible, here now is John "Hardbones" Shrimply to act as your personal tutor. Basic Training Greetings, salutations, and all that other junk. Okay, let's get straight to the peach pies. First off: load the game. There ya go. Now, watch all that opening sequence stuff. Listen to that music. Kinda gets your blood flowing, don't it? Okay. Now we got to your Main Menu. Pick the one that says "Play Game." Ya got a new box now, doncha? Move your mouse down to the bottom, down to that one that says "Resume Saved Game." There ya go. Okay, new box again. Do the one called "Tutorial." Yeah, they named that one after me, your tutor. Now ya gotta wait a sec while it gets all set up for ya. Since we're waiting, take a look here. See that box on the right hand side on the bottom there. That's called the Cursor Windows. Yeah. You'll see all kinds of stuff in that one. Oh, the big box in the middle there? That's just telling you what kinda Conquest we're dealing with here. All those little symbols tell ya what ya call your Game Conditions. Don't worry about it now. Lemme just tell ya right from the start that this here tutorial is a "4 player on one machine" game, and you're getting to play all the parts. I'm gonna help you through one of the player's turns. After that, you get to play all the parts, you don't have to worry about being "blindsided" by some other yahoo. That is, not unless you're one of them "split personalities." (Heh, heh, heh.) All right, you've probably come to the "Press Any Key to Continue" by now. So go ahead and do it. I don't think you're gonna break anything. Take a Look Around Okay, first off, let's pause this thing so we can look around for a sec. Just move your cursor until it's on that green bar there on the left. For your enlightenment, that thing's called the Time Bar. Okay, now click on it. What's it say up there on that Topline? Probably something like: "Game Paused...(Alt-P to resume)." Tell's ya all about it, don't it? OK. Now we can kick in a special feature that's just for this tutorial. Press and hold the key, the key, and the letter . Hold 'em all down at the same time and you'll see a little trick. Look next to the Turn Counter. See the little white numbers? They're the coordinates of where your cursor is in the world map. We're gonna use that to help get you where ya need to go. Try moving the mouse around and watch those numbers change. Ya get it? Now when I tell you a spot to go like 11,65, you can move the mouse until ya get there and you'll see what's what. Okay, here's the deal. What we're looking at here is your basic world map. See that deep blue color? That's your oceans. See that green stuff? That's your plains. Do this: move your cursor to 11,65. Okay, now take a look over there in that Cursor Window I was talking about. Says "Ocean," huh? Okay, now do this: move it to 17,59. Says "Plain," don't it? Now put your cursor at 48,52. Now what's it say in that Cursor Window? City? Well, that's what they are. A city is a kind of Burb. No need to say "excuse me." I said "Burb." Yeah, ya take these over and they help ya build stuff. Now, take a REAL close look at that Burb. Look down there in the Cursor Window: you see that little flag down there in the bottom left-hand corner? It's light green. The guys that wrote this game called it "Cyan" but it looks green to me! See it? Well, that's there to let you know who owns that Burb. Move back to 1, 73. What's it say in the Cursor Window? Bunch of stuff, huh? Well, that burb is called a "Metroplex." Ya see the little purple plane in there? That's one of your planes and since it's next to the burb picture it means it's based in that metroplex. Ya see the words "Magenta Mob"? That's the name of the force you're fighting with. Good name, huh? See the word "BUILD" with another airplane next to it and "T-2" below? That means this burb is buildin' a plane that'll be ready in two turns. I'm sure you've noticed all the little boxes with purple-I mean, magenta-borders? All those are your "units" - that's what they're called. They're the ones doing the fightin' for ya. They're sitting there right now, saying "What're they gonna make us do next?" Look a little closer at 'em. Some of 'em are different than others. That's 'cause ya got more than one kind of unit. Move to 0,74. That unit is called the Command Center. (Us old-timers call it the Comcen.) You only got the one of them. But hey, no one's trying to cheat ya here. See, this is kinda like your King in chess: ya lose that little beauty and you're out of the game. So you'd better keep an eye on it, huh? Now let's get to the REAL fighters out there. Move to 12,54. Now look over at your Cursor Window. That's right, ya gotcha an ARMOR unit. Looks kinda like a tank, don't it? Now move to 13,50. INFANTRY, that's what that one is. Both of these units are your land fighters: that's their strong point. Now move to 29,69. That's your CARRIER, and the little plane next to it in the Cursor Window means it has a plane on it, ready for action. You see the "Magenta Mob" just below "Carrier"? That means this unit is based from your Metroplex. "Magenta Mob" is both the name of your army and you "home Metroplex." In front of your CARRIER is the rest of your South Seas Fleet, your BATTLESHIP (37,69), and your SUB (37,71). In front of them is a Cyan Battleship (43,70). Let's get that guy! Git Your Guys Moving But first let's do a little ground action. Go to 13,47. Now look down in your Cursor Window again: see the little gray flag? That means this Town belongs to the natives and it looks like there's no units around to slow you down if ya wanna make that little jewel part of your collection. I say we take it. First, let's take the game off pause: just click on your green Time Bar again. There ya go. Click the left button on the infantry at 13,50. Ya go his attention. See him flashing? He's listening to ya. What's it say up on the Topline there? "Setting Unit Destination"? That's what we're doing here, all right. Move to 13, 47. Okay, we're kinda hooked up, that unit and us, aren't we? See the dotted line go from him to our cursor? That's what ya call your "Unit Path." What you're really saying is, "I want you to follow this path." Okay, let's give this guy a destination. Now, click on the left button again. What's it say up there on the top line now? That's right, "Final Destination Set." Congratulations, General, you've just given your first order. Piece of cake, huh? I know, he's not doing anything right now. That's okay: He's waiting for the "Execution Phase" to start. Ya see, what we're doing now is giving out the orders. In a second, when we're through, we'll give 'em the go ahead, and THEN they'll all do 'em simultaneously. But before we do anything else, let's check out our infantry guy, just to make sure he got it straight. Put your cursor back on him, but don't do any clicking this time. What's it say up there on the top line now? "Unit Path." Now look down there in the Cursor Window again. Ta see the word "Moving"? That means he go your orders all right. But let's make sure he knows where to go. Look back up at the unit in the map window, where your cursor is. Ya see those three blocks there? That's the path we gave 'im, all right. Ya see another Burb close to some of your units? Okey, then, tell 'em to git their rears in gear and take all those empty Burbs. Tell that infantry up at 21,53 to go to 21,51. Then, tell one of them armored boys (at 26,52 or 29,54) to take the city at 30,51. Easy, ain't it? Well, if you think you're ready, we'll tackle the navy next. Remember your guys down there in that south sea? Let's get 'em after that green battleship. Go ahead, give your battleship and your sub the orders, just like you did those others. Works just the same, only now you're on water. Bomb 'Em Into the Stone Age By now you're wondering about your air forces, aren't ya? Well, we gotcha covered. Move your cursor up to the Button Bar there. Click on the one that says "Airplanes." Now you're in what they call the "Airplane Mode." Ya look real close and you can see your planes highlighted: you got one in your Metroplex (1,73), don't ya? You also got two parked in one of your Cities at 38,60. And hey, you even got the one on your carrier out there in that south sea! One thing about your "Airplane Mode," you use it to tell your planes what to do, they do it, and that's all. But since we're here, let's give those fly-boys something to do. Click on the one at 38,60. See the two red circles? Those are the limits of your air missions: that plane can't go past that second little circle there. Let's give this guy a recon mission and find out what's out there. Move to 44,68. The Topline says, "Designating Short Strike/Recon." It's gonna be a "Recon mission 'cause there's no enemy underneath the cursor, and "short" 'cause we're inside the smaller circle. Now click again. See your plane fly its mission? Now what do you see? Looks like your airplane found out a bad guy! That's one of the features of this game: you can't always see the enemy, even though he's out there coming at ya. Well, now that we found this chump, let's give him a little surprise. Click at 37,60 then click you cursor RIGHT ON TOP of his green battle ship (43,70_. You're telling your plane to "Strike him." See him fly down there and drop a load on that sucker! Get a New World View Okay, Couple more things to show ya. Click your right mouse button in the map somewhere. You see that box? Tha's what ya call you reference Map." But hey, don't let the big name fool ya: it's just a small map of the entire world you're fightin in. Now, move your cursor up to 9,10 in the reference map and click you r right button. What ya got has changed, huh? Now your point of view has shifted north some so that all you can see is ocean. But don't let that fool yam that's the part of this world your units haven't discovered yet. It looks like the ocean now, but you can bet the farm that there's really a bunch of land and other people's units under there. Okay, let me show ya a little trick I learned as a rookie. First, use that right button again and get up that Reference Map. Now, do a held- click with that right button over the top right corner of the world. Look, now ya got your world centered around your cursor. Mommy, Where Do Armies Come From? Click Burbs on the Button Bar. Look at the middle column there, the one with the BLD T- on top of it. Ya see that two of 'em say ARM. That mean that those burbs are making Armor units. The ones with Air are making planes. Click on one if the burbs. This brings up a menu that shows you what you can build. The thing in red is what is currently selected. PART III: STARTING A GAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE MAIN MENU: When you load Conquest you will be given the following options: Play Game Choosing this option allows you to start a game. (See "Starting the Conquest," below.) Film Menu This option brings you to a menu that allows you to watch a replay of a previously played game, load a previously saved film for viewing, or save a just-completed game to a film. There is always a "default film" available to watch. It is the film of the last game played (or film loaded) and is retained even after you quit Global Conquest. (One of the Modulians' favorite film-viewing features is the "Show=Who" option of the Topline [or<=>key] that lets them "peep" at what their opponents did and saw at various times during the game). Configure This choice allows the players to create custom games or to configure Conquest with their favorite play options: everything from sound, scoring, world types, and odor-elimination availability are set from this option. (See discussion in the "Configure Menu" section.) Do the Boogie-Woogie This option ... Whoops! Sorry, wrong game. THE PLAY GAME MENU: After choosing the PLAY GAME option, you are offered the following options: King of The Hill This scenario is won by the player who holds the Native Capital at the end of 30 turns. If, however, no player has possession of the Native Capital at the game's conclusion, the winner will be decided by the point scores: each burb is worth a certain amount of points. This scenario is played on a small world to make a short but frantic contest. It is really violent and confused. And violent. The name "King of the Hill" was chosen for this scenario because no game has ever used this name. Eye Sea Ewe This game has the same type of scoring as "King of the Hill," but features a special type of visibility where all players get to see what any player sees. Be it land, sea enemy units, UFOs, or Elvis, all players are shown what any other players are seeing. This is real violent too. But, sadly, less confused. Live and Let Die Victory in this version of Global Conquest is awarded to the player who is most successful at maiming and destroying the opposition. (See the section on "Scoring Options.") Points are awarded for each hit of damage to all opponents EXCEPT the native forces: damage given to natives has no effect on your score. However, TAKING damage from the natives COSTS a point per hit. Note that, as on Modulus, no player can ever get below a score of zero, no matter how badly he is being pounded. (Modulians do not believe in negative numbers.) Guns or Butter Victory in this Conquest is claimed by the player with the most income "points" after the end of sixty turns. (See "Victory and Defeat.") Played on a medium-sized world, Modulians who excel at this scenario are automatically given a management position with one of the fast-food establishments. Pick Custom Game Here you are presented with all of the custom games that you have saved on your disk. (To make a custom game, see the "Configure Menu" section). Resume Saved Game Choose this option to continue a previously- saved game. Be warned that "Saved" games bring you right back to where you were before the "Save Game" command was given. (The "Save Game" command DOES NOT "save" players from impending disaster. Do-overs are not a big thing among the Modulians, ya know?) THE PLAYER OPTIONS BOARD: Once you've decided what king of Conquest to play, you're dumped to this screen. First, you will be offered a bar of the Player Options Board for you to use: on the left side of the board, a message stating "This Machine" tells you which force you will initially be offered to command. If you decide that you don't like that starting position or color, click the left side of the bar until it shows a computer. The click on the left side off one of the other bars until the "This Machine" option is given. 1. Select Your Icon for the Current Game: to choose an appropriately intimidating icon, simply click on the icon button to cycle through those that are available. The favorites among Modulians are the Double Decker Cheeseburger Deluxe Icon and the Mushroom Cloud Icon. Note: You can preset your default name, icon and rank on the Player Options Menu, accessible through the Configure Menu. 2. Select Your Name for the Current Game: Clicking on this button will allow you to give your fighting force a suitably awe-inspiring name. Favorites among the Modulians include "Ketchup Pos," "Death Spawn," and "Hip Grinders." 3. Select Your "Rank" for the Current Game: To set your "Rank," simply click on that button until the desired rank appears. Note that to the right of the Rank symbol, a numeric summary of the chosen Rank appears to further elucidate the condition you will find yourself in. Note also that promotions DO NOT take place during Conquest. As they say on Modulus, "Once a Corporal, never a General." Rankings So what's in a rank, anyway? Glad you asked. The three possible rankings are set according to the desired level of difficulty: General This is the easiest level to play. The player with the rank of General is entitled to the privileges that accompany that rank. Accustomed to the "good life" as they are, Generals start with 2 additional burbs, 40 extra bucks and their units all cost $10 LESS. Captain This is the middle level. The Captain starts the Conquest with one extra burb, 20 additional bucks, and units are 5 bucks off. Corporal This is the most difficult level to play: the rank of Corporal offers no privileges, only greater hurdles to cross. The Corporal gets no additional burbs or starting cash, and units are full cost due to his/her lack of influence and rank. If a player wins the Conquest from this rank, he receives the coveted "Modulian Planetary Hero" award, which comes complete with a coupon good for a lifetime supply of fast food. Setting Up Your Opponents (So to Speak) The remaining bars on the Player Options Board are used to prepare the game for your competition. You can set the number of people playing, as well as their location: there can be up to four players on one machine, or some combination of local and remote players. You can also use the remaining bars to set the computer opponents' rank. Simply click on the rank button to go through all of the available options. (The rank of "Total Imbecile" is NOT available for your computer opponents - although making them Corporals and you a General might approximate that situation.) After all the players have been selected, simply click on the "Execute" button to accept your settings. Note: If any of the players were designated as "Remote," you will be presented with various options for connecting with them (see the "Multi- Computer Games" section). The Presentation of the Icons Okay. You've picked your game and set up your opponents. Now the computer begins the "Presentation of the Icons" (also known as showing the Game Type). The various icons represent the options and rules for the game you've chosen. (See "The Configure Menu" section for a full discussion of their meanings.) At this point, the secret Modulian formula for building a new world begins cranking out the Game board on which you will play. In this process, totally random elements are used so that each game of Global Conquest is different from any other. As the world is "made," the display windows on the right-hand side of the screen will keep you abreast of the world-building progress. Once the world-building process is through, your screen will clear itself of the various Game Type stuff and the world-building pictures, to be replaced by the real game map. Picking Burbs Every player starts the game with at least one "Starting Burb" in his or her corner of the game board. You may also get to pick additional burbs if: 1) the scenario calls for it; 2) or is one of the privileges of your rank; or 3) you bribed the Modulians to get your own private version of the game. In such cases, you will be offered an empty Game Board. Simply position your cursor somewhere in the big map and press the left button to "make a wish." (Something along the lines of "Let there be a burb near" while holding your fingers crossed seems to work.) Your cursor will move to nearest yet-to-be-picked burb, an infantry unit will be appear on the top line to let you in on this. This process, called "picking your burbs," is first-come-first-served. Once all players have finished picking their cities, the setup for the game is complete and the Conquest begins in earnest. The Icon Corner In the top righthand display, or the "Icon Corner," the group which you command is surrounded by a white rectangle and is dominated by your personal icon. (The other three colors are, of course, commanded by humans and/or the computer.) Close to your icon will be a number which represents your present score. During the game you will also see icons showing the number of burbs, oil sites and minerals each player possesses. In the case of your own stuff, these counts are accurate, but the counts for your opponents probably aren't: they represent those burbs, oil sites and minerals that your units have discovered. PART IV: PLAYING THE GAME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE TURN SYSTEM: Conquest is played in turns. Each turn has an "Orders Phase" and an "Execution Phase." (Despite playtester demand, there is no "Move Your Opponent's Pieces While He Is Not Looking Phase.") The Orders Phase During the Orders Phase you can set destinations for your pieces by simply clicking on a unit, moving the cursor to the desired destination, and clicking again. (You'll find that this is the most common order you will give. You will also find that screaming orders at the computer console has no effect on the units, and may cause rapid deployment of the local authorities to your vicinity.) When you decide that you're through and content with your orders, you the give the "I'm ready to fight" command, A.K.A. the "Execute" command, by moving your cursor to that button and clicking the mouse (or by pressing the key). This ends the "Orders Phase." The first player to "Execute" his orders gets a five-buck quickness bonus deposited into his treasury. Note: Orders given to planes while in the "Airplane Mode" are carried out immediately in the Orders Phase. Planes do not wait for the "Execute" command. The Execution Phase During the Execution Phase, you watch your units as they move forward their destinations in single steps, discovering land and enemy units along the way and shooting at the opposition when within firing range - all without any need for further instructions or encouragement from you. Each turn has eight rounds (each round gives each unit a chance to move and/or fire). Orders that take longer than one turn to execute will remain in effect until 1) the unit is destroyed, 2) the unit completes the order, 3) the unit is given new orders, or 4) the players smash their computers to small fragments of useless junk. When the Execution Phase begins, the vertical green time bar on the left side of the main display will turn red and begin decreasing in six as the Execution Phase elapses. Players can use this bar to determine the remaining time left before the next Orders Phase (so they can sneak off to the fridge and back without slowing up the game). Players can also click on this bar at any time to effect a pause in the game. Important Note: Clicking on the timer bar WILL NOT save one of a player's pieces from impending disaster. It will only prolong the agony. The only other feature of the cycle of turns in the game are the Random Events. Every five turns, a set of three Random Event "Cards" are presented for your edification, the last of which is the current event. (See the section on Random Events for a more detailed description.) THE FIGHTING UNITS: Each team starts tie game with the pieces available for that type of Conquest. Below is a list of all units possible for any game of Global Conquest. (Sorry, but no nuclear weapons, stealth bombers, or rayguns are available.) Units fight in a number of different "modes." The most basic of these is the standard attack mode, when you order the unit to plough into an enemy piece. The units are ordered to take the other modes via their unit menus (see the section on Menus). Comcen This unit is like the "king" in chess: if a player loses his Comcen, he loses the game. (See the section on Victory and Defeat.) However, the Comcen strikes twice as effectively as any other unit in battle. When the Comcen is in battle, your display will show "interference" to remind the you that is, and your career in Conquest, is at risk. The Comcen can fight, carry planes, and take over burbs, oil, or minerals. (Comcen can also convert to a "party barge," but this sort of activity is frowned upon.) Planes Planes can perform various air missions (as well as provide joy rides for the officers). To see your planes you must click the "Airplanes" button (or press F4) to enter "Airplane Mode." Any ready plane can be selected and given a mission by clicking the left mouse button while the cursor is near it. Note that all missions have a chance of failure, and that the probability of such a catastrophe occurring increases as the "range" of the mission increases, or the proximity of the target to enemy planes decreases. Missions executed in the outer, "medium range" circle are half as effective and/or twice as dangerous as the inner, "short range" circle. The standard air mission is the attack/recon mission, generated by a normal click on the plane. The click selects the airplane and puts the two range circle on the screen. If you then select an enemy unit within the range circles, the plane will attack it. If you select an empty space, the plane will do a recon mission. Recon missions uncover any terrain within a radius of 8 spaces from the chosen spot and any units within 12 spaces. The held-click will provide the "Air Menu": Transfer, Paradrop, Bomb, Dogfight, Kamikaze, and Home missions (see below). Spies Spies are former politicians who, not being trusted with live ammunition, have been recruited for the dirty work needed to be done in Conquest. These units cannot carry weapons; the spy is used to gain information about the location of the enemy's units. The best feature about spies is that only an enemy spy can "see" another spy: to all other units the spy is invisible. Typical to the politician's profession, the spy can also "steal." Unlike today's politicians, however, spies mostly steal information. If a spy ends its turn in an enemy burb, all enemy units within 25 spaces will be visible and the status of units being made in the enemy Comcen, info on all enemy units and burbs is available. In both cases this information is temporary and will vanish after the orders phase ends. Finally, spies ending their turn in an enemy burb sabotage that burb's production (for specifics see the "Economics" section). Note: When playing a scenario where Comcens, planes or spies are unavailable, the "starting units" of Comcen and spy are replaced by an infantry and a battleship (or another infantry in a transport if battleships are out). Infantry This unit fights, takes over burbs, takes possession of fuel and minerals AND can be used to "exploit" burbs and resources. When not moving, these units "digin", taking a superior defensive position. When these units are moved to sea, they become transports and move like ships. Transports can be killed easily by any other ship, but are the only ships that can mount amphibious attacks against land units, burbs, oil, and minerals. (Infantry transports CANNOT pull skiers behind them.) Armor This unit consists of a tank division. It can fight and take over burbs, fuel or minerals. It is twice as fast as an infantry unit and better on offense. However, this unit is worse at invading from water and is more costly than an infantry unit. Like infantry it also turns into a transport while crossing water and is just as defenseless (even though it weighs more and CAN pull a skier.) Submarine This unit lurks under water. It cannot take over burbs, fuel, or minerals. Its strong point is its "stealthy" profile, allowing it to surprise enemy vessels, where it does major damage at close range. However, once discovered, the sub is more vulnerable to destruction than are other warships. Like the other ships, subs will stop moving if their next movement would take them ashore. (Subs can pull two skiers simultaneously but this is not recommended when they are submerged). Battleship This unit patrols the oceans of the game board. It cannot take over burbs, fuel, or minerals. It can attack transports and other enemy naval forces. It has a moderate fire range and can bombard shore units. It is good against carriers in head-to-head combat and is better than carriers against subs. (It can also pull THREE skiers at the same time). Carrier This naval unit has a greater combat range than battleships (although it does a little less damage) and it can carry planes. It cannot take over burbs, fuel, or minerals (but it can pull up to FIVE skiers at one time). UNIT MOVEMENT ORDERS: You select a unit to give destination orders by clicking on it. As you move the cursor from its current location, you will see a series of blinking dots trailing from the chosen unit to the cursor location. This is the units's "path." The color of the dots depends upon whether the unit will cross land or cross water. This color change can help you see potential movement problems, like ships trying to move ashore, to move off the screen toward your wallet). do a normal click of the button and you have set a final destination for the unit. The unit will move there over the exact path that the dots have shown. However, you can also set intermediate destinations between your unit and its final destination. This is useful in moving around environmental obstacles or an opposing group's forces. To set an intermediate destination, select a unit as (which is demonstrated by that portion of the path becoming non-blinking). Now you set another destination from that point (with the blinking dots once again showing the section of the path you are working on). Up to three different intermediate points can be set before the final destination. (If you attempt to set more than three intermediate points, your computer will phone 911 and the police will raid your home. This type of behavior will not be tolerated!) If you set at least one intermediate destination, you can create a special movement order called patrol. To do this, make the final destination of the unit the same as its current location. This will cause the unit to repeatedly move through all of its destinations. You can stop the patrol by giving the unit different orders. You can always check your unit's path by placing the cursor over it and waiting until the dots to its destination show in the Map Window. Do this to ensure that your orders were correctly understood. (Despite their low mentality, units CANNOT be blamed for numbskull destinations.) If a new destination is desired simply repeat the process. The old orders will be discarded in favor of the new orders. If you start giving orders to a unit but decide to leave the old orders alone, press the "Esc" key. The process to a destination takes time and, depending upon the length of the move and the terrain crossed, may take more than one turn. Movement through water is the fastest for all units, and movement through swamp is the slowest. (See the Technical Notes section at the end of these rules for specifics.) Infantry units can make passage through difficult terrain easier for other units. If a stationary infantry unit occupies the obnoxious terrain another unit is attempting to cross, the moving unit moves at the standard movement rate instead of at the lower rate for the terrain. It thereby becomes possible to create "roads" of infantry through swamps, forests, or mountains. (The unit stuck is normally not very pleased with this unglamorous assignment, but who said war is fair?) A special type of terrain obstacle involves the transition from transport to land unit for armor and infantry. When an infantry or armor unit moves from land to sea, it will pause for four rounds to load into its transports and to have a marshmallow roast there on the beach. When going from transport to land (unloading), it will take eight rounds. If the beach square has a friendly dug-in infantry unit squatting in it, this loading/unloading takes only one round, as the campfire has already been lit. If the first sea square is a dock, there won't be any delay at all because there is no beach upon which to start a fire to roast the marshmallows. Managing Your Movement The Destinations button on the Button Bar is a handy way to check up on all the destinations you have given. You can even "step through" your whole set of units examining and revising their plans by pressing then key. SEEING STUFF: Terrain Discovery While moving around, your units will be uncovering the world's terrain and bumping into cities, enemy units, and resources. Some units have better eyesight than others and "discover" stuff at greater distances. Units discover terrain at the following distances: an infantry or armor unit will reveal all terrain within three spaces, transports two spaces, subs one, battleships four, carriers five, spies one, and Comcens eight. (Note that if you're playing a game with "Open Visibility" - the "Eye Open" option - all terrain is discovered and visible at the beginning of the game.) Unit Discovery Units discover enemy units at the following ranges: infantry and armor will spot all units within five spaces, transports three spaces, subs four, battleships five, carriers six, spies ten, and Comcens six. Only enemy units within the range of your units (or spotted by your airplanes or spies) show up on your display during the "No Visibility" - "Eye Closed" - scenarios, and any attacking unit is immediately spotted by the force whose unit it is attacking. (In an "Open Visibility" scenario, even though you as a player see all the enemy units, your units don't: they still see each other at the standard ranges.) BATTLE: Units fight automatically when they see enemy units and are in firing range of the targets. They require no special orders from you: your only responsibility is to tell them where to go: if they plough into (or near to ) an enemy piece, they'll enough, you may hear your name followed by a string of curse words. We advise Conquestors to simply ignore this type of language from the troops; as the commanding officer, it is beneath your dignity.) Units will attempt to kill other units only when they have gotten within "firing range" of the target. The firing range for land units and transports is two, although to fire upon a ship the unit must be adjacent to it. (Because unit icons are 1.5 spaces by 1.5 spaces, adjacent icons overlap slightly.) Submarines can fire up to three spaces away at any target and carriers can fire up to four spaces. The Comcen's firing range varies with the unit being fired upon: against land-based units it is two, against battleships it is three, and against carriers the distance is four. Battle Damage As units battle, they take damage. The purpose of battle is to cause the opposing units to take so much damage that they cease to exist, except as fond memories in the mind of your opponent. This is called "killing them." Sadly, the enemy units will be attempting to do the same to your units. Whoever dies first may be said to have "lost" the battle. At the beginning of the game, all units start at a strength of 100%. As they fight, they will lose some of this strength. To find out how a battle is going, position your cursor over one of the battling units and check out the Cursor Window. The combatants will be shown, each with its current strength below the unit. As the battle progresses, these strengths will go down. Once a unit has 0% strength left, the unit passes from Conquest to the Conquest Afterlife. The damage an attack causes depends on the attacker and defender types, and may be modified by the defender's terrain. Land units can inflict greater damage by "glancing" their opponents - that is, by attacking a unit from two different directions. ("Taunting" will have no effect whatsoever on the attacked unit.) Ship Bombardment Battleships and carriers can "bombard" land units once they are within range. However, this type of combat cannot reduce the land unit below 30% strength. Spies Spies have a unique set of characteristics. They can't be spotted except by other spies, and they can't be destroyed unless they are spotted. Therefore, it takes a destroying unit (such as a Comcen or infantry) working with an allied spy to track down and destroy an enemy spy. (That, or the player can obtain a court order, which is extraordinarily difficult.) Also, spies specialize in personnel, not discovery: they "see" units at a range of 10, but only "discover" the area of the world that they physically pass over. Submarines Subs have special scanning rules. They can't be spotted by planes, spies or any other unit until they attack. However, once a sub is spotted it stays "seen" at the normal range of the "seeing" unit (e.g., 6 for carriers and Comcens, 5 for battleships) but for a shorter period of time (only 2 rounds, which is considerably shorter than the 8 rounds for all other units). Subs can also see smoke rising from beach parties, but are on strict orders NOT to investigate unless a savage case of peace has broken out. THE UNIT MENU: Units can be ordered to take different "postures" to help your attacks or defense. To access the "Unit Menu", put the cursor directly over the desired unit and hold down the left mouse button. A menu will pop up offering the following choices, depending upon the circumstances and the unit chosen. (There are also "quick select" or "hot keys" that, if pressed while the cursor is over a unit, will immediately execute the menu item.) Repeat This command is here to save you time, kind of like the "redial" feature on your phone. When selected, the chosen unit will receive the same set of marching or sailing orders as the last unit. This includes any intermediate destinations as well. Example: You have just ordered an armor unit to attack a burb. You place the cursor on an infantry unit and select "REPEAT." You are ordering that unit to the same exact destination (which, in this case means to attack the same burb.) The Modulians call this command "Monkey see, monkey do." But actually, since the repeat function does not copy special orders such as Blitz or Wait, it would be more accurate to call it "Monkey move, monkey follow." Obsessive accuracy is not a Modulian characteristic trait. (Press the key with the cursor over a unit to quick-select this item.) Pursue This command orders a unit to follow another unit. After choosing this command, click on the unit you want "pursued". Your unit will then try to follow the "clicked-on" unit. This can be used on any unit, regardless of affiliation, but works best when used on a unit of the opposite sex. (

is the quick-select key for this item.) Sneak This posture causes your unit to conceal itself. This can be done by moving or stationary units. The opposing forces must be three times closer than normal to spot you sneaky unit. However, you unit can't see or fire at other units at all and can move only at half-speed. Units in this mode are half-concealed on the game board. (Press to quick-select this item.) Blitz This posture causes your unit to move faster than in normal mode. (For infantry the speed increase is about 100% while for most others it is about 50%.) However, this also causes the unit to incur damage at a 2% rate per round. Your units in this mode have a lightning-bolt symbol at the top. Units will cease blitz mode when their strength reaches 20% or they reach their destination. (Units which must use the latrine facilities will automatically choose this mode.) ( quick-selects this item.) Wait This command is used to delay a unit's execution of its movement orders. After picking this option you can pick from waits of: 0 rounds (used to discard a previous wait), 2 rounds, 4 rounds, 6 rounds or until the unit completes its repairs. (Pressing sets a unit to "wait till repaired" if it is on a suitable repair sire or sets the wait for 4 rounds if it is out in the boonies.) Home If this command is executed while a unit is in a friendly burb, that burb will become its new home base from which it will get its support (see Environment section for more info on support). (Press to quick-select this item.) Exploit This command is available only to infantry units, and only in scenarios where the "exploit effect" is selected. (Of the four standard scenarios. only "Guns or Butter" offers the exploit effect.) Exploitation offers various opportunities to improve economic output. If implemented by an infantry positioned over a village or town, it may upgrade that site to the next higher level. The odds of success are 30% for a village being made into a town, 15% for a town to develop into a city. Regardless of the outcome, the infantry unit disbands (in order to open its own discotheque in the site). You can also exploit any other type of land terrain to make a resource. Mountains will produce a mineral site and swamps will produce fuel sites, while forests and plains may produce either one. This type of exploitation is always successful but may be short-lived (especially in forests and plains). Attempting to exploit an existing oil or mineral doesn't work. AIRPLANES: Airplanes are another unit type with special rules. If "available" but not used for a mission, they automatically scan for units and terrain within 12 spaces. However, unlike other units they don't automatically attack: they must be given missions. Combat Air Missions The following air missions are targeted against ground units. To fly one of these missions, click on the plane (in Airplane mode, of course), then click on an enemy unit within the red circles. Short Range Air Strikes: Against enemy armor units and non-dug-in infantry units, this removes half of the unit's remaining strength. For Comcens on land and infantry that is dug in, the air strikes remove one-third of their remaining strength, (Which means that after the initial "strikes," the planes will kill land units VERY slowly.) Against battleships, carriers, and Comcens at sea, planes reduce the defender by a fixed 25% of original strength. Against subs, the strength-reduction rate is 34% of the original strength, and against transports, the damage is a whopping 50%. Medium Range Air Strikes These cause damage at HALF of the short-range rate. Success or Failure of a Combat Air Mission Planes do not always complete their missions: success depends on the proximity of enemy planes to you target and whiter the nearest enemy plane is available, or is resting (see below). There's a base 10% chance of any air mission failing; range and opposition may increase this to as much as 75%. Air Missions With Enemy Air Units Adjacent the Target If your target is on top of or next to an enemy plane, a dogfight ensues. If the opposition's plane is unavailable, your chances are: 25% chance of completing the mission; 40% chance of mission failure; 10% chance of your plane being shot down; and 25% chance that your foes plane is shot down. If the Opposition's plane is available, your chances are: 50% chance of mission failure; 25% chance of your plane being shot down; and 25% your opponents plane is shot down. Air Missions with Enemy Units in the Vicinity If your target is between two and 10 spaces from an enemy plane, the probability of your air mission failing ranges anywhere from 10% to 50%; one third of those failures will end up resulting in a lost plane. Sad Note: Even if there are no enemy planes within 10 spaces, all air missions still have a 10% chance of failure. Airplane R and R After flying a mission, a plane is unavailable for one turn (for short range missions and medium range transfers) or two turns (for the medium missions and long transfers). Kamikaze missions kill your plane. While resting, a plane cannot scan for enemy units (thus "seen" units may disappear), and cannot give "joy rides" to the grunts. Airplanes in Defense If your opponents attempt an air strike against your forces and the strike is within 10 spaces of your planes, your planes will automatically defend against the attack. If your plane survives this defense, it will need even more rest than usual. Planes need an additional 1/2 turn of rest per attack they defend against. THE AIR MENU: Transfer When chosen, a third "long range" circle is shown the greater distance which a plane can be moved to another burb or carrier. When doing this type of mission, you may also click on an adjacent infantry to transport along with your plane, and both units will be moved to the chosen transfer burb. (This is a popular maneuver since many soldiers have never ridden in an airplane before.) You can use the "Hot Key" rather than the menu of you want; simply press the "T" to perform a transfer. Paradrop To perform this type of mission, you first click on an infantry unit that is VERY NEAR to your plane. (If the unit is not close enough for a paradrop mission, you will get a message informing you of this.) Next, select the spot where you want the paradrop to take place. If that spot is not over another burb or over water, it will be another burb or over water, it will be carried out. Planes based on your Comcen or carriers cannot perform paradrops. Also, note that this mission causes the paradropped unit to lose 1/5th of its strength (20% of them landed head first). The "Hot Key" for this mission is the "P". Bomb This mission brings about results which are remarkably similar to Congressional legislation: money (five bucks) is taken away from the burb or resource targeted and nothing returned. Not that this has no effect on the Native forces because they are too poor to tax. The "B" is the "Hot Key" for this type of mission. Dogfight These are strike missions designed to damage the air forces of your enemies. After selecting this, put the cursor in the neighborhood of the target plane, and a Dogfight will take place. "D" is the "Hot Key" for this mission. Short Range Dogfight Missions If your opponent's plane is available, there is a 30% chance that your plane will be downed, but a 37% chance that the opposition's plane will be destroyed. If your foes plane is unavailable, your chances of destroying the targeted plane jump to 40%, and the possibility that your plane will be eliminated drops to 17%. Medium Range Dogfight missions When your opponent's plane is available, the chances for wither one of the planes to be destroyed is 25% When the opposition's plane is unavailable, your chances for losing your plane drop to 10%, while the probability that your adversary will lose his plane remains 25%. Editor's Note On Modulus, the previous discussion on plane mission success probabilities is further illustrated with multi-colored bouncing balls and dancing bears. We regret not being able to duplicate the Modulians' teaching methods here but, due to time and budgetary constraints, we offer only the bare facts, trusting that they are sufficient for the average Earthling. Kamikaze These are strike missions in which the plane does twice its normal damage. The drawback, however, is that the plane does not return home, but passed on to the Conquest Afterlife. The "Hot Key" for this one is "K." Home This option, though not an "air mission" is used to assign the economic support for the plane chosen. Choosing this option causes the burb where the plane is based to become its "supporting" burb. The "Hot Key" for this one is "H". PART V: ADVANCED STUFF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ECONOMICS: Developed Populated Areas (The Burbs) Developed populated areas (burbs) must be conquered and held to produce new units to command in battle. There are five different types of burbs: village, town, city, metroplex, and the Native Capital. After a burb type is captured and the turn is over, the Production Menu for that site will appear. If the burb is a port, metroplex or capital, any type of unit can be made there. If it is a village, only infantry can be made. If the site is land-locked, no ships can be made. Depending on the scenario chosen, various other constraints may be in effect for town and city sites. ( See the Configure Menu section for the details of resource constraints.) The site must be held for the duration of the production cycle to get the planned unit. If during the production cycle an opposing force takes over the burb, that force can choose the partially completed unit from the production options and, when finished, it will be put into circulation for the conquering force. If at any time before a unit is finished you decide to change what is being made at that site, all the money spent on that unit is lost and the new unit is started "from scratch." Income Village-sized burbs get four bucks per turn, towns get six, cities get eight, and capitals and metroplexes get ten. Resource sites (oil or mineral) provide an additional two bucks each. This money is just as necessary in Conquest as in life: money keeps your forces maintained, produces new units, and impresses the in-laws. Support All built units are economically "supported" by a burb. Initially, the site which builds a unit supports it, shelling out one, two, or three bucks per unit per turn (depending on the scenario being played). The supporting site makes the cash that maintains the unit, so if a burb is taken over by an enemy, all units that site built will suffer maintenance damage until they re-base in another burb (see "Non-Support," below). Every burb has a budget to follow. Unlike reality, however, the burbs in Conquest CANNOT deviate from the budget or divert cash to the player's pocket. All available cash is first spent to maintain a burb's "supported" units. If a burb is supporting more units that it can pay for, some of the units based in that burb will suffer maintenance damage (known as "NO SUP"). Production If there is any cash left after maintenance support payments are made, the excess is spent producing the unit you have ordered the burb to build. If you haven't ordered the burb to produce a unit, a quarter of its remaining income will go to maintain the factories of that burb, and anything left from that will be safely tucked away in the burbs piggy bank for use on a rainy day. Thus, if you don't build any units in a burb for a while, and it isn't supporting many units, your burb will probably build up a nice nest-egg. Later on, you can blow all of the burb's savings to build units real fast, or you can spend it all on a wild weekend with the troops. However, this last alternative is discouraged as it helps the spread of undisciplined behavior. Resources Fuel and mineral deposits are found in random places on the world, the fuel in swamps and the mineral in mountains. They are initially hidden, and are revealed only after land units have moved adjacent to them (airplanes, ships and spies cannot find resources). Resources are captured in the same way as burbs. In all scenarios, each captured resource contributed two bucks to the income of your nearest burb. In some scenarios, however, resources are necessary to build certain type of units: this depends on the role of resources specified in the scenario. Units can repair if they are stationary on resource sites. (Because of the fire hazard, units CANNOT throw wild parties on resource sites.) Non-Support An unsupported unit (one whose burb base has been captured, or is supporting more units than it can afford) suffers maintenance damage at a rate of around 20-30% per turn. Note that units can't be destroyed by this maintenance damage, but can drop to as low as 10% strength. Unsupported units will display the legend "NO SUP" in the cursor window when under the curser. Despite this, they can still move and act idiotically. Bombing Burbs and Resources If a plane bombs a burb or a resource attached to a burb, five bucks are taken directly out of the burb. Repeated bombing may put the balance of the burb into a deficit situation, where it cannot support all the units assigned to it (much less continue work on the unit under production)! Spies and Production Sabotage It is perhaps in this area where Conquest most closely resembles life as we know it: the spy (former politician) will sabotage the income of a burb if it ends its turn in an enemy-held burb. It will add eight bucks per turn to the cost of the unit currently under production. For example, if, after supporting existing units, a burb is earning ten bucks/turn toward production of new units, the spy will in effect "cancel" eight of those bucks, and the burb will end up only two bucks closer to producing the unit. Multiple spies bring about results which closely simulate long court proceedings: they are devastatingly cumulative. A burb with enough spies in it may never be able to produce new units. Managing Your Bucks Getting Info on your bucks Two of the buttons in the Button Bar are dedicated to helping you keep up with your bucks, burbs and production: TERRAIN and BURBS. The Terrain Button Clicking on the TERRAIN button shows the world without those nasty little units mucking to your view. Also, in the Map Window the center of each burb shows the type of unit under development. If you click on a burb (yours or one which your spy has infiltrated), the burb's Production Menu is shown. Here you can see the site's name, present economic balance, level of income, supporting costs, build costs, and any cash surplus. While in this display, you can also alter the burb's production orders (unless you're spying on an enemy's burb). The Burbs Button The BURBS button offers a pretty darn complete overview of all the economic information available in Conquest. By clicking on the BURBS button on the Button Bar, you enter "Burb Mode," which brings up the Burb Menu. This menu gives you a quick reference to the economic situation of all your burbs simultaneously: burb type, supporting resources, build commands, time left until completion of units, income, support, and present balances. There are three functions accessible through this menu: "Build," "Transfer," and "Support," Clicking these buttons sets what you can do with the burbs listed. When "Build" is set, if you click on a line, you get access to that burb's Build Menu. After you finish with that menu you are returned to the Burb Menu. A heldclick brings up the "Unit Support Display" (from which you also return to the Burb Menu - see above). A right button click (or ), exits the Burb Menu and positions the cursor over that burb. When changing unit production orders for your burbs, there can often be a loss of bucks when a partially-completed unit is scrapped and production is started on a newly-ordered unit. With the Burb Menu, however, just a quick glance at the "Build" column will tell you if changing production orders will waste your bucks: burbs ready to start production on a new unit will have RED letters and numbers; burbs which are already into the production cycle will display BLACK letters and numbers. Any burbs with units going unsupported ("NO SUP") will have their SUPport column printed in red. Getting Your Hands On Your Bucks The Burb Menu also gives you access to your treasury. At he top right of the menu, you will see the total amount of cash in your Treasury. You can use this Treasury balance to manipulate the balance of your burbs. Getting Bucks From the Burbs and Into Your Treasury With the "Transfer" button set, you can click on one of the listed burbs to transfer ten of your bucks from that burb to your Treasury. (In the "Guns or Butter" scenario and other income-based scenarios, the money in your Treasury is a BIG part of your final score.) After clicking on a burb name, the cursor will turn into a Dollar icon. To add the cash to your Treasury, simply place the dollar into the Treasury Total, and ten bucks will be transferred. A surplus balance in your burbs is created by spending less on support and production than your income - a bizarre notion. This "balance" (as it is listed in the production menu) may be handy if you want to build a unit in a burb on the spur of the moment. However, if that burb is conquered or the dreaded space pirates random event happens, your little nest-egg will vanish. Once cash has made it into your Treasury, tough, it is safe from all hazards (except, of course, you early demise). Getting Bucks From Your Treasury and into a Burb You can also move cash out of your Treasury. However, when you move money from the Treasury to one of your burbs, you will incur a stiff 50% "bankers' bribe" Getting Proper Support From Your Bucks The Burb Menu also allows you quick access to unit support assignments. When one of you burbs can no longer support a unit, or if you just want to change where the unit gets its support from, click on the Support Button. Then click on any of your burbs. This brings up that burb's "Unit Support Display." In the map window, you'll see the units attached to the burb, as well as any resources attached to that burb, and any unsupported units. You may reassign unsupported units by clicking on them and then on the burb you want them to call home. While in the Support Display, you can check the current income and support costs for other burbs by holding the cursor over them (which makes finding a suitable home easier). You can bring up the Unit Support Display for other burbs by clicking on the new burb. Finally, a held-click will bring up a burb's Build Menu so you can change what the burb is producing. After you exit the Build Menu, you will see the support assignments for that burb. To exit the Support Display, press or click on an empty space on the map. TREATIES: Just as on Modulus, treaties can be established in Conquest. However, Earth players of Conquest will be pleased to discover that they DO NOT have to go through the traditional "Hind- Quarters Kissing" ceremonies required of all peace-seeking Modulians. There are three levels of treaty relationships: Cease Fire This is the first and most casual level where neither side can shoot at the other side until the agreement has been broken. Alliance Allies can see all units and discoveries of their ally, and cannot do battle with them. They also receive a 25% boost in income from all their burbs and resources. (All your citizens are so pleased that your country finally has a friend that they work extra hard.) Teammates The final and most intimate of relationships allowed in Conquest, allies at this level are allowed to give orders to any unit in the alliance. On Modulus, this level traditionally is followed by a splitting-up of responsibilities between teammates: one ally would take the ground forces, and the other would take the naval forces, for instance. (There is no income bonus for this level since the citizens have now become jaded and question whether the "marriage will work.") Making and Breaking Treaties Global Conquest players can seek to create or break relationships by clicking on the TREATIES button above the Icon Corner (or by pressing ). After clicking on the button, place the mouse cursor over the color of the force with which you wish to make or break a treaty. Then click either 1) the left mouse button to BREAK a previous treaty, or 2) the right button to OFFER a new level of allegiance. Either button changes the level of cooperation between the players to the next level, which becomes effective AFTER the present "Orders Phase" is completed. If you offer a closer level of allegiance and the other player does not respond during the same turn, no change in treaty level is made. If you seek to break a treaty, you may do so without your partner's permission, but only at the rate of one level per turn. However, if your partner AGREES to the break during the turn, you may sever ALL vestiges of allegiance in one turn. VICTORY AND DEFEAT: Conquest Over One Comcen When a Comcen is destroyed, it's called a "KO." (To Modulians this is short for "Kicked Over" but through a curious quirk of fate it also fits our boxing term "Knocked Out.") If there is still more than one Comcen left, a Conquest Death is recognized and eligible players are required to attend the "Probate of the Last Will and Testament." In the Probate, all of the deceased player's money, burbs, units, and score points are "probated" to the surviving players. Since this redistribution of assets is based on the geographical proximity of the surviving Comcens, Modulians have dubbed this rule "The Closest Gets the Mostest." (In scenarios where there isn't a Comcen, eliminating all of a player's units and taking all of his burbs has the same effect as knocking out the Comcen.) The player whose units delivered the "Coups de Grace" (called the Executor of the Will) gets all of the Deceased's spies, as well as all of the Deceased's units within 40 spaces of his Comcen. The rest of the Deceased's units not grabbed by the Executor go to the nearest Comcen within 40 spaces. Any of the Deceased's units that are further than 40 spaces from any Comcen either go to the native forces or disband (they flip a coin amongst themselves to decide which). All units that "go native" become infantry since the natives are not allowed to operate heavy machinery without a license. The Executor of the Will also gets half of the Deceased's treasury and score (depending on the scenario) PLUS any of the Deceased's burbs within 20 spaces of his Comcen. Finally, all airplanes in burbs or on carriers that the Executor of the Will received will survive, but all of the others will fly away in a final act of defiance. In the top righthand icon display, the conquered group's background color will change to that of the conquering force. By keeping up with this display, a player can stay updated on the opposition's conquests and defeats. Note: On Modulus this entire process takes weeks and involves hundreds of extended family members. However, through the magic of computer science, we have reduced this process down to less than a pixel and 1/16 of a second. Conquest Over All Comcens The last Comcen alive claims "Won By KO" victory and is recognized as the victor. Nothing else is necessary. After all, if you've done that, you've done quite enough damage for one day, don't you think? Conquests of ALL Capitals/ Metroplexes If one player owns the four Metroplexes at the beginning of a turn, that player wins a "Capital Win" victory. You DO NOT have to destroy all remaining Comcens, but can claim Conquest by what is called "Right of Rule and Right of Way." Scoring Options Although every Conquest game uses one of these formulas for calculating the score shown in the Icon Corner, only in games where there is a time limit does the score determine the winner. In an unlimited time game only "KOs" or "Capital" wins count. Income The scoring of this type of Conquest is calculated as (get ready for this) the total of one-half the money in your Treasury, plus the sum of the balance of all your burbs, plus the sum of income per turn of all your burbs and resources, plus the "scrap value" of all your units (about one tenth their cost). Capital You get points in this one for each burb you own. Villages are worth 20, towns 30, cities 40, metroplexes 50, and the native capital 2500. It's possible to win this game without capturing the native capital, but not if someone else does! Head-Count The points for this type of Conquest are based on the amount of damage you inflict on your adversaries (NOT on the number of friends you can make during one of these games). Points are awarded for each hit of damage to all opponents EXCEPT the native forces; damage inflicted on natives has no effect on your score. The points you receive depend upon the value of the unit you are damaging. Hitting an opponent's Comcen gets you 16 points per hit, while damaging an infantry will only give you two points per hit. However, "Head-Count" scenarios allow you to lose points as well: if a Native unit damages one of your units, you will LOSE points for each hit. (You don't lose points when any opponent OTHER THAN the natives "hits" your units.) Finally, notice that, as on Modulus, no player can ever get below a score of zero. (Modulians do not believe in negative numbers.) Incomplete Games If, God forbid, you decide to end a game before any player has won outright, you can still use your ending score to decide the winner. However this is unsatisfying to some players, and those who consistently decide to end games when the "just happen" to be ahead are considered to be in need of "straightening their priorities." Defeat If your Comcen is destroyed, or your last unit and burb is taken, you have lost. Period. But that doesn't mean you can't still enjoy Conquest. If other "computer-controlled" Comcens are still alive, a menu will appear giving you an option of either watching the conclusion of the war or taking over an unmanned force. If you choose to take over an unmanned force, you get to pick which of the remaining groups to command. Note that it is considered rude not to chat with your human opponent(s) about this move before making it: they may not invite you back if you beat them on your second chance! RANDOM EVENTS: Ban the Modulian, desiring to make Global Conquest as lifelike as possible, included the following list of realistic random events. These events are like "chance cards." (On modulus they use billboard0size cards to protect against dealing from the bottom of the deck). After an event has taken place in a given game, that possibility will not come up again until the event deck is exhausted. The card deck for a game when the TAME option is selected is made up of the cards listed under Realistic events below with five "no event" cards thrown in to make a total deck od 20 cards. The WILd option includes both the Realistic and Exotic events along with eight "no event" cards to make a total of 40. Thus, with an event every fifth turn, only a game lasting 100 turns will use all the cards in the tame deck, and 200 turns would be required to see every card in a wild deck. Foreshadowing (Cheating) Despite the size of their event cards, the Modulians still find cheating to be irresistible and have developed their own "Honor System," whereby limited cheating is not only acceptable, but expected. Therefore, players will be allowed to "peek" at TWO possible upcoming events at the start of each new event. To be fair (as such a concept is understood by the Modulians), the Modulians allow losing players to cheat better then players who are ahead in score: the player whose score is the lowest at the time of the random event gets to look at the next two cards, though not necessarily in the correct order. The player who is second from last gets to peek at two cards from the next THREE possible events. The player who is in second looks at two from the next possible FOUR, and the player who is ahead gets to see two from the next FIVE. The Modulians use this system so that the lowest-scoring player knows the next two events (though not their order) and the winning player has less than a one in five chance of guessing the next event correctly. (Two is the allowable cheating limit on Modulus; any cheating over that limit is considered "tacky," and the offender is tied to a chair and forced to watch three consecutive hours of game shows as punishment. Needless to say, this punishment is rarely necessary.) PART VI: MORE STUFF... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE CONFIGURE MENU: The configure menu allows players to set the Conquest environment to their individual taste. Custom Game Choosing this option allows you to build your favorite type of scenario. Interface This option allows players to pick: 1) Icon Types; 2) Game sound options; and 3) Belief System Game Sound Options A. No Sound. B. PC Speakers. C. Adlib and compatibles. Belief System The Belief System selections include: A. Modulians. PLayes who choose this icon conform with the traditional Modulian beliefs of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Fast Food. B. No Modulians. Picking this one signifies the player's lack of belief in Modulians. C. Ultra Modulians. The Players who choose this icon are stating that their belief system closely resembles that of the "Ketchup Jammer Kids" of Modulus, whose motto, "don't manipulate, cooperate," is legendary. Editor's Note: These buttons don't seem to do much of anything at all. If you find out differently, please let us know. Player's Options This menu choice allows you to pre-set 1) Your player name, 2) Your player icon, and 3) Your player "rank." These choices will be preserved along with your custom setup for loading at game time. BUILDING YOUR SCENARIO: During the "build" process, you will be presented with the following menu choices. Simply choose your favorites from the menus, then save the scenario with an appropriate name. Setup Options Units Allowed: You choose which units you will be using for the Conquest. Burb Number: Set the desired number of starting burbs. All players start with a corner "Metroplex," but this option allows additional burbs to be owned at start-up. Starting Cash: This option allows the players to set the starting "balance" of their Metroplex. (When playing with multiple starting burbs, the secondary burbs get half of the chosen amount in their balance.) Economic Options Support Costs: This option allows you to set the support costs of the units. Burb Level: Set the average economic status of the world by choosing from poor, middle class, or rich. Effect of Resources Here you can decide what role resources will play. Options available include: 1) Provide Money. The default level, this choice means that they simply provide economic support (two buck/turn) to the nearest held burb. 2) Oil is Needed to Build Tanks and Planes. In this role, all resources still give your nearest burbs two bucks per turn, but oil is now a necessity for building armor and planes. An oil resource must be either "attached" or within 25 spaces of one of your burbs i n order for you to use it. 3) Minerals are Needed for Building Ships. Choosing this one not only includes the two previous "roles" for resources, but also makes the mineral resource a necessity for building all naval units. Effect of Exploiting Here you get to decide what the "Exploit" option will do. The electives include: 1) No Exploitation Available; 2) Exploitation Upgrades Burbs; or 3) Exploitation Can Upgrade Burbs or Make New Resources. Scoring Here players can set the way scoring is calculated: 1) income; 2) Capital; or 3) Head Count. Play Option The following selections are made available in the hope that they allow the destruction and death of the opposition to be carried out in relative comfort and ease. How to End Turns There are two types of ending: Cutthroat and Times. Cutthroat Endings: 1) Immediately (exploding firecracker icon): In the solo game, the orders phase ends when you click on the Execute button. In the multi-player game, the orders phase ends five seconds after one player clicks on the Execute button. 2) After Short Delay (firecracker with a short fuse0: In solo game, this works just like "Immediately," above. In the multi-player game, once any player clicks the Execute button, the other players have twenty more seconds to complete their turn. 3) After Long Delay (firecracker with a long fuse): In a game with two or more players, players have 60 seconds PLUS the time taken by the quickest opponent to complete their orders. Note: For multiple players on one machine, the five second or 20 second "delayed" time is added to the shortest time taken by the quickest player previous to you. For example: if you are the last player and everyone before you went quickly, you will have a very short turn. Also note, however, that for multiple players on one machine, player turns rotate: in the next turn, the last player becomes the first player. Fixed Time Endings These options give you a fixed amount of time to give orders. You can make the "Orders Phase" last two minutes or four minutes. Even with these options, you can still click on the Execute button to offer to end the turn early. Game Length Each and every Conquest doesn't have to end with the annihilation of the opposition's Comcen, or the capture of the Native capital and the four metroplexes. We are all civilized people here. Choices include 1) 30 turns, 2) 60 turns, 3) 90 turns, 4) 120 turns, or 5) an infinite number of turns (or until they drag you away from the computer to recover in the asylum). Opponent Visibility Here you can decide what the players are allowed to see of the opposing forces and worlds map. 1) Eye Closed: This means that players can see only opposition units when they are scanned and know what they have discovered themselves. 2) Eye Half Open: In this option, you see any land discovered by any of the players. You also see any units seen by any of the other players. This excludes what the natives see as well as whatever each player knows about his own stuff. 3) Eye Open: This lets you see all units all the time and the world is totally known from the beginning. Note: Aside from offering variety, these options are primarily offered to accommodate multiple players on a single machine. With the "Half-Open" all players can jointly watch the execution phase and must look away when it is another player's order phase. Random Events Selections include: 1) No Random Events (for the weak of heart), 2) Tame Random Events (for the timid), or 3) Wild Random Events (for the mentally and morally sound). WORLD TYPE OPTIONS: This menu is provided so that you can create your own personal world loaded with all of your favorite, most malicious characteristics. Board Size Large, Medium, and Small. The left-most option allows selecting a name of a custom map. Map Density Features: Land mass, forests, mountains, swamps, fuel sites, mineral sites, burbs, and indigenous forces can all be set to the desired levels. By combining the different attributes, players can set the difficulty level of each game. Saving Your Scenario After selecting your favorite factors from the previous menus, you will be brought to the Save a Scenario screen. You must save your "Built" scenario so that you can choose it the next time you play Conquest. MULTI-COMPUTER GAMES: Connect Menus Option If any player was designated as the "Remote Player" from the Player Options Board, you will be shown as the Connect Options Menu and allowed to pick from these options: Modem/Phone Choose this one if you want to use your modem to kill your best friends and enemies. If you are doing the dialing, simply choose that option and enter your enemy's phone number. IF you are doing the answering, pick that choice and wait for the connection. Note: The phone number string can contain a "T" as the first letter if you are not getting "touch tone" noises and would like them. Direct Serial By using "Null Modems," you can hook two computers together via serial cables. If you have made this sort of connection, you can use it to play a multi-computer Global Conquest. Choose Direct Serial from the Conquest Options Menu to use this sort of connection. Existing Connection Global Conquest can also use pre-existing connection. If you have a modem connection with your opponent through a telecommunications software package and you both decide on a bit of Global Conquest, simply do the following: 1) Set the connection parameters correctly: go to the software's port options and A) Set the data bits to 8. B) Set the stop bits to 1 C) Set the parity to NONE. 2) Exit your software WITHOUT breaking the connection. Most communication software packages will ask you if you are sure you want to exit without breaking the connection. 3) Load Global Conquest. After setting the game conditions and reaching the Connect Options Menu, select Existing connection and the game will start. Note that if you have already played a game of Global Conquest and decide to play another, this option allows you to retain the connection while setting the game conditions. After a Successful Connection Once the multiple machines are properly connected, a version of the "Player Options Board" is presented that displays the icons, names and ranks of the players involved. Note: It is possible to hide the fact that you are a human player from a remote opponent by picking the default name and icon that would be chosen if the slot you occupy were a computer opponent. The human player who is on the highest bar of the "Player Options Board" will send his chosen scenario and that is the one that will be played. MANY PLAYERS ON ONE MACHINE: In these games, you and one or more other humans are playing Global Conquest on the same machine. You set this up by clicking "This Machine" on more than one bar on the Players Options board. Swivel Chairs Recommended When one player has finished his orders phase and presses "Execute" ( or his time runs out), the computer screen turns grey and flashes the message "Press Key for Magenta Mob." The current player ambles off; the Magenta Mob player presses a button; the grey screen clears and he sees his position. Turn Order With multiple players on one machine, player order changes from turn to turn. Int the first turn, Player A goes first. He sees the random event card and he inputs his orders. Then it's player B's turn, followed by C and D. When player D finishes his turn, the execution phase begins. He sees it from his perspective; that is, he can see anything he could during a normal game. Then it's his turn again (he makes two turns in a row). When he's finished, it's player A's turn. Player A click the button, then quickly scans the screen to see what happened during the last execution phase. Other Ways to Play You don't have to play Global Conquest blind, if you don't want to. If you make a custom scenario and pick "Eye Half-Open" option, everybody can watch every execution phase. If you pick the "Eye Open" option, everybody can watch each player's orders phase as well. ...enjoy the game! =================================================================


Mr Creosote

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