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The Project 64 etext of ~Creatures~, converted to etext by Dohi

CREATS10.TXT, August 1998, etext #375#


[Picture of 3 creatures omitted]

Clyde Radcliff Exterminates All The Unfriendly Repulsive Earth-ridden



Insert disk side A and type LOAD"*",8,1 (RETURN).

Creatures will load automatically.

Creatures is a multi-load game: follow all on-screen instructions to


Insert tape into tape player, making sure it's rewound on Side A.
While holding down SHIFT key, press RUN/STOP. When the screen prompts
you, press play on player.

Creatures is a multi-load game: follow all on-screen instructions to

Out in the nether regions of deepest spaec (in the far bottom right of
the Milky Way) lies a small, insignificant little planet named Blot.
Although a pretty place, it's deserted after its inhabitants were
forced to flee from an awful fate - being called by such an unhip name
as Blotians. As soon as they were able, they built a crude but
sufficient colony ship and spluttered off into space in search of a
trendier planet.  Until such a place was found they renamed themselves
Fuzzy Wuzzies in search of real hipness.

Unfortunately, a collision with an asteroid led to a crash landing on
Earth. As luck would have it, they landed in some blue wobbly stuff -
commonly known as the Pacific Ocean - next to an undiscovered island.
After the Fuzzy Wuzzies swam ashore they promptly began building a
village and named the island "The Hippest Place in The Known

What the Fuzzies didn't know was the existence of bad tempered Demons
living on the far side of the island. These demons were enraged by all
the noise made by the cheerful Fuzzies, and hated even more the
ridiculously silly island name.

The Demons came up with a cunning plan to put an end to the commotion
and general good time being had by these intruders - they invited them
to the biggest party ever held on the island. Fuzzies cannot resist a
good party, and all of them brushed up their fur and attended. But
just as they were starting to enjoy themselves the Demons threw a net
over everyone and carted them off to their Torture Chambers.

The only one who wasn't caught was Clyde Radcliff, a tanked up little
Fuzzy already throwing up in the bushes. The next morning Clyde woke
up with a splitting headache and breath so bad it could scorch a tree
at six paces. Nevertheless, our courageous little hero vowed to
destroy the Demons and rescue his fellow Fuzzies.


Each stage in the game represents part of the island. Once the end of
the stage is reached and comleted, Clyde enters a Witches Hut. Inside
is a good witch who has a Fuzzy fetish and offers to mix Magic Potions
which, when drunk by Clyde, give him special weapons.

However, to enable the witch to mix any potions, she needs
ingredients.  These are in the form of "Magic Potion Creatures" found
during each stage. It's important for Clyde to collect as many MPCs as
possible before entering the hut, so that he can obtain better potions
from the witch.

An enemy will only be killed if it flashes white when hit. Some
enemies that appear to be completely separate from each other will in
fact be "linked". If any of these are hit, the rest of the linked
enemies will also be hit.

Once two stages have been completed, Clyde is not automatically put
onto the next level. He will first find himself in a Torture Chamber.
This is the location of one of his friends who must be saved to
proceed any further.


IN-GAME: Run-stop - pause (move joystick to resume)
         Q (from Pause) - Quit

CLYDE: Pushing UP makes Clyde jump. If FIRE is depressed, Clyde will
fire (using the current weapon). If FIRE is held down for a second and
then released, Clyde's bad breath will be used and he will breathe a
large flame. Pulling DOWN on the joystick and then pressing FIRE will
present you with the "weapons tablet". Keeping FIRE pressed, pulling
LEFT and RIGHT will enable you to view the weapons, and releasing FIRE
will select the chosen weapon. Note: only the weapon purchased in the
shop will be displayed in the weapons tablet. The weapon's grade is
indicated by its colour: Red - grade 1; Green - grade 2; Blue - grade

SHOP: (When the weapon tablet appears) Joystick LEFT/RIGHT - view all
the weapons. FIRE - Buy weapon (at its indicated grade). A weapon will
only be added if you have enough Magic Potion Creatures for the witch
to use as ingredients, and the weapon is not at its maximum grade

You can also buy information from the witch by selecting the "I" icon.
She can give you up to three clues, helping you complete the next
Torture Screen. Selecting "E" icon will exit the shop and continue the

CREATURES is another in an on-going series of software entertainment
products to thrill and captivate and is brought to you by THALAMUS

Game conceived and created by APEX COMPUTER PRODUCTIONS
Programmed by John "Playboy" Rowlands
Graphics, music and sound FX by Steve "Superslick" Rowlands

With help from (and big drinks to): Dave "Eat my dust and count my Vs"
Birch (loadsahype); Franco Frey (money management); Oli Frey (creative
cover art); Andy "Southern Comfort" Smith (numero uno play tester and
supplier of invaluable ideas); Rob "It's okay I'm fully comp." Ellis &
Miles "TLH" Barry (technical desistance); Andy "Now you see it - now
you don't" Roberts (creative consultant); Rob "Dig those waitresses"
Hogg (constructive criticism); Mum and Dad (big, shiny new office and
unconstructive criticism); Carol Kinsey & Richard Eddy (show-stopping
Bug frenzies).

This game is dedicated to Mr & Mrs Rowlands without whose help it
would not have been possible.

[Thalamus logo omitted]

In the improbable event of this product being faulty, please return it
to the original place of purchase. Audiovisual concept, label and
program (c) 1990 THALAMUS LIMITED

1 Saturn House, Calleva Park, Aldermaston, Berkshire RG7 4QW

Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, munching, public performance
and broadcasting of this product are strictly prohibited.




By purchasing CREATURES you have automatically adopted a Fuzzy Wuzzy.
It thinks of you as Mummy because, as far as the Fuzzy Wuzzy, is
concerned, you gave birth to ir when you opened the CREATURES
packaging. You are now well and truly lumbered. You're free to name
the Fuzzy Wuzzy what you like, but beware - historical records have
proven that Fuzzy Wuzzies named Mildred get quite annoyed. Please
study the following guidelines so you may care for your offspring in
the appropriate manner.


Unfortunately, there is no way to clearly sex a Fuzzy Wuzzy. The best
guideline is as follows: If it gives birth to a litter it's female, if
it doesn't it's a male.


No food on earth has proven suitable for the Fuzzy Wuzzies' digestive
tract. Go on, try something - anything. Place it next to a dish of
something. It'll just sit there and stare at it until the dish is


Fuzzy Wuzzies love being taken on very long walks in the countyside.
However, they only enjoy this avtivity when being carried.


As Fuzzy Wuzzies remain stationary for most of their natural lives the
grooming necessary is the occasional flick with a feather duster. This
activity is also highly stimulating for Fuzzy Wuzzies.


Your Fuzzy Wuzzy can be taught many appealing tricks as it grows.
Leaping through hoops is a speciality, though it may require some
encouragment from behind.


Beware placing sausages (cooked, fresh or frozen) in front of your
Fuzzy Wuzzy as it thinks sausages are natural enemies and will attempt
to outstare it.

There's one rule you must follow above all others: Never, never ever,
allow the Fuzzy Wuzzy to get wet. It can't swim.



Mr Creosote

Feel free to share anything about Creatures here!


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