Attic of the Underdogs

Robot Rascals

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Review by Underdogs:
From Brian Moriarty's tribute to Dani Bunten: "Heart of Africa was to be the last product Ozark ever designed for a single user. In fact, their next design took the multiplayer option to a provocative new extreme. Not only did Robot Rascals have no single-player mode, it actually required the participation of no less than four human players. Daringly billed as a "family game," this peculiar fusion of turn-based action and strategy, augmented by a deck of real playing cards, received a polite but puzzled critical reception, and was carefully ignored by everybody else." And that ignorance is a shame, because Robot Rascals is one of the most original and few computer games ever designed with a board game style, and it's much more balanced and fun than Infocom's Fooblitzky. Remember to download card scans to play with the game :)
Average Rating:7.68 [16 votes]
Designer:Dani Bunten
Developer:Ozark Softscape
Publisher:Electronic Arts
Software Copyright:Ozark Softscape
Theme:Science Fiction
Multiplayer:Turn-based hotseat
Related Links:
More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:DOS
If you like this game, try:Fooblitzky, Modem Wars, Cartel$ & Cutthroat$
Thanks to...mom_s 
Technical Notes: