Attic of the Underdogs

Riders of Rohan

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Review by Underdogs:
This fun tactical wargame set in the Middle Earth features cool units (including Frodo and Aragorn), varied missions, and good graphics and music. Definitely a "light" game in that there aren't many field options, and the combat model is somewhat simplistic. Still, this game is one of the pioneers of the genre that would later see the likes of Fantasy General and the Warhammer series. The developer PSS also developed Sorcerer Lord, another underrated fantasy wargame.
Average Rating:8.42 [92 votes]
Software Copyright:PSS
Theme:Fantasy, Licensed
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More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:DOS
If you like this game, try:War in The Middle Earth, Sword of Aragon, Sorcerer Lord
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