Attic of the Underdogs

Bad Mojo

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Review by Underdogs:
No doubt one of the most unique and disturbing an adventure ever, Bad Mojo's premise is refreshingly original: you are a misanthropic, selfish young man who's turned into a cockroach by the powers that be, to put yourself "in others' shoes," euphemistically speaking. Gameplay is restricted to the moving cursors (but hey, you *are* a roach), but there are many ingenious puzzles that require thought, intuition, and astute observation. The acting is over-the-top, but tolerable. Movie snippets appear throughout the game to provide clues and move the plot along.

Overall, Bad Mojo offers a unique premise, great graphics, and inventive gameplay that provides plenty of thought-provoking puzzles without an inventory (hey, you are a roach)-- making it a must-play for all adventure gamers. It is probably NOT for everyone due to a disturbing focus and some downright disgusting graphics. If you are not easily disgusted, though, you will likely find Bad Mojo one of the most original adventure games you'll have ever played. And best of all, Got Game Entertainment re-released the game in 2004, all updated for latest Windows version. Two thumbs up, way up!

Average Rating:8.61 [375 votes]
Designer:Vincent Carrella
Developer:Pulse Entertainment
Publisher:Acclaim Entertainment
Software Copyright:Pulse Entertainment
Related Links:Official site
More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:Windows 95/98
If you like this game, try:Blue Ice, Normality
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