Attic of the Underdogs

Nam 1965 - 1975

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Review by Duglis:
This rare Vietnam wargame has 4 options: play 2 battle scenarios or 2 general war scenarios where you make decisions as US President Johnson or President Nixon. F1-F4 control the realtime movement speed. The game is pretty hard to get into in my opinion, because of the non-intuitive interface and tough AI, and so is recommended only for hard-core wargamers.. and rare game collectors :)
Average Rating:5.79 [69 votes]
Developer:Metagraphic Software
Publisher:Metagraphic Software
Software Copyright:Metagraphic Software
Related Links:
More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:DOS
If you like this game, try:Conflict in Vietnam, SEAL Team, Thud Ridge
Thanks to...Duglis 
Technical Notes: