Attic of the Underdogs

Ikari Warriors III: The Rescue

» Real Dog! «
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Review by Underdogs:
Ikari Warriors III is a disappointing last game in Quicksilver's long line of above-average arcade conversions. It's not a bad game-- it's just dead average: nothing in the game is done very well, and there's nothing here to differentiate this game from a hundred other kick-and-punchers.

First, the meager plot: two guys, Paul and Vince, fight their way through several stages of action. The object, naturally, is to destroy everything that moves. Most levels are very similar, with the exception of a swimming level which is quite innovative and fun to play. Your weapons include your basic punches and kicks, along with some extra devices found along the way. Interestingly, you can keep continuing infinitely from where you died, a feature that beginners will be glad to hear.

Enemies all look the same, except for the bosses, who are usually bigger but sometimes even just look like normal enemies. Explosions are no better than any other game of this type, and the animation is average at best. An occassional cutscene at the end of a level is interesting, but not enough to save the game from mediocrity. Gameplay is very repetitious, as you can easily punch enemies who blindly charge at you. The only thing worth mentioning is that you can find barrels that kill all the enemies on screen at once, but then again, nothing spectacular. With very limited moves (only punch and kick), repetitive everything from enemies to levels, Ikari Warriors III is better left alone. B-O-R-I-N-G is what it is... a real dog, indeed.

Average Rating:7.25 [39 votes]
Publisher:Data East
Software Copyright:Data East
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More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:DOS
If you like this game, try:Platoon, Heavy Barrel, Guerrilla War
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