Attic of the Underdogs

Detective Bogey

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Review by Underdogs:
Detective Bogey is a below-average platformer from Loudness Multimedia that more or less deserves its unknown status. The clicheed plot: as Detective Bogey, you must rescue the beautiful Pandora from the clutches of evil Sinister (groan) and his minions. You have already found a map that shows where she is hidden, but unfortunately this map is encrypted with a difficult code. To decipher the map, you must find the codewords that are scattered all over the world. Nothing you haven't seen before, really. The game is based on an animated series of the same name that was reasonably successful in Spain.

While the idea of finding codewords and assembling them may sound intriguing, the execution leaves a lot to be desired. Poor controls, sub-par graphics, and thoroughly boring level designs can't save the slightly-interesting concept or rescuing this boring platformer from the heap of mediocre games. The cartoon style, which is meant to be faithful to the cartoon series, is cool only for the first ten minutes - before you realize how similar each level is to each other. Not recommended at all, unless you really like the animated series, or are one of those die-hard platformer fans who want to play every platfrormer ever made.

Average Rating:5.5 [2 votes]
Developer:Loudness Multimedia
Publisher:Loudness Multimedia
Software Copyright:Loudness Multimedia
Theme:Cartoon, Licensed
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More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:Windows 95/98
If you like this game, try:Spirou, Lucky Luke, Claw
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