Attic of the Underdogs

FX Fighter

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Review by Death Adder:
FX Fighter is an exciting 3d fighting game, similar to Virtua Fighter. The story is this - aliens from around the universe have gathered to battle for the title of best fighter in the universe. The game's excellent graphics and smooth animations are enjoyable features. One thing I disliked about this game was the lack of character personality. The characters in the game are all quite original (i.e. a preying mantis, a molten lava creature, etc.), but they lack individuality. Another thing I didn't care for was how dark the game environment is - and this cannot be altered. However, the graphics can be sharpened or dulled depending on what type of computer you have, which is a helpful option.
Average Rating:7.82 [39 votes]
Designer:Jaid Mindang & Gary O'Connell
Developer:Argonaut Software
Publisher:GTE Entertainment
Software Copyright:GTE Entertainment
Multiplayer:Simultaneous hotseat
Related Links:Games Domain review
More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:DOS
If you like this game, try:One Must Fall: 2097, Virtua Fighter PC, Fatal Fury 3
Thanks to...Death Adder 
Technical Notes:CD-rip version