Attic of the Underdogs

Bravo Romeo Delta

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Review by Underdogs:
Bravo Romeo Delta is an interesting wargame that lets you implement a "limited and controlled" strike against either America or Russia. You must find the precise timing, weight, and mix of nuclear responses to achieve victory while avoiding Armageddon. You can mix-and-match different strikes and parcel them out to your subs, ICBMs, and strategic bombers. It's absorbing, realistic, and will really teach you a few things about organizing nuclear strikes ;)
Average Rating:8.42 [89 votes]
Publisher:RAW Entertainment
Software Copyright:FranKennstein
Theme:Apocalypse Now
Related Links:
More Info:Mobygames | The Web
System Requirements:DOS
If you like this game, try:Cardinal of The Kremlin, Red Sky at Morning, Epidemic!
Thanks to...Sugoll 
Technical Notes: